Tobias Hoffmann
INP Austria GmbH
Gaisbacher Str. 6
4210 Gallneukirchen
Tel. +43 7235 22188-11
Fax +43 7235 22188-99

INP International Projects: We offer you more than 35 years of experience in global power plant, large-scale installation construction and the power industry, combined with the reliability of an owner-managed company.
INP offers you an interesting professional future with bright prospects. Now you can become part of our international team.
INP is your reliable partner in the fields of power generation, transmission and distribution, as well as green energy and construction and infrastructure.
We stand for the values of owner-managed SMEs: reliability, responsibility, quality and adherence to deadlines.
Professionalism and reliability are what our customers appreciate. And this has been so for over 30 years.
Location: Grödig, Austria
Services: Commissioning, Project management, Basic-engineering and pre-engineering
Industry Branch/Type of Plant: Green Energy, Power Generation, Power plants
Client: BHKW Grödig
INP Deutschland GmbH presents the process engineering and economic successes at the wood chip heating plant in Grödig by changing over from conventional combustion power controls to a multi-variable characteristic map control system. With only low investment costs, lots of electric energy is saved by reduced regular operation of the blowers, great control and fuel output after the conversion. The increase in plant efficiency due to more efficient combustion has been confirmed. Improved fuel combustion efficiency can be clearly verified by the measurement series and test runs that have been performed. The amount of work for maintenance and support has been reduced.
Describing the conventional firing control system used in the past was very complicated because of the ever-changing fuel batches and plant situations. In some cases, there were uncontrollable deviations because the fuel always varies in terms of its composition, age, degree of decomposition, moisture level, flammability, conversion speed and calorific value. In addition, the control loop, firing and boiler parameters change continuously and unpredictably as a result of contamination, the color of the stored dust and the slag flow. This is a classic multi-parameter system that is non-linear. As a result, significant potential for improvement existed.
The process and control behavior of a biomass firing system cannot be described algorithmically, because it is a "highly non-linear multi-parameter system". In spite of this, experienced plant operators were able to maintain the firing within an acceptable range by means of manual interventions. The knowledge possessed by these experience experts was implemented in combustion power controls at reasonable expense.
The success achieved in the wood chip heating plant at Grödig can be quantified not only in terms of the increase in fuel conversion efficiency to 1.41 srm (the amount of a cube full of loosely poured wood chips with a side length of 1 meter)/kW or 7.42 kW/srm, the even firing control and reduction in the plant's own electricity consumption by 24.3 %. In addition (but non-quantified) there is the positive effect on reducing the support required by about 50%. The even and more efficient operation of the induced draft fans, fresh air fans, fuel feed and grate movement alone will enable several thousand euros to be saved every year.
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