• Green Energy Windräder

Green Energy

Investment in a renewable future

With its extensive portfolio of services, INP International Project has been involved in the “energy transition” for many years. In addition to supporting our customers in optimizing the energy efficiency of existing systems, we also assist them in the design, engineering, and implementation of new renewable energy systems. Moreover, we help them integrate renewable energy concepts in existing systems.

With expertise and professional competence in all areas of power generation and power transmission, INP International Projects has been offering its customers an extensive as well as specialized range of services in the field of green energy and decentralized energy for more than 35 years.  We have been collaborating with our customers for years on replacing fossil fuels and centralized power generation with renewable concepts without losing sight of the stability and necessary expansion of our power grids. With the ingenuity of our engineers, we make a significant contribution to a sustainable energy and supply infrastructure.


Services for Power Generation and in Energy Grids

  • Configuration and conceptual design of partial grids and micro isolated systems, e.g. combination of photovoltaics and battery storage, sector connection
  • Configuration and conceptual design of carbon-free site infrastructures
  • Concept development for the reuse or repurposing of existing conventional sites, e.g. for the supply of district heating 
  • Integration of renewable energy generation and utilization concepts, e.g. electrolysis, hydrogen storage, fuel cells, battery storage, combined heat and power units (CHPs), and photovoltaic systems
  • Adaptation of existing systems to external boundary conditions, e.g. system services (primary and secondary operating reserve), peak load capping, intraday load shifting
  • Stabilization of grids, e.g. by integrating battery or alternative storage systems
  • Increasing the information density and the automation level, e.g. for grids subject to redispatch requirements
  • Integration of central control room concepts, e.g. for merging of systems or for central data processing
  • Implementation of ideas into technical and profitable concepts 
  • Development of eligible concepts 


Project Types


  • Gas engines and combined heat and power units
  • Electrolysis, fuel cells, and hydrogen utilization
  • Recovery of refuse-derived fuel (RDF) and sewage sludge incineration
  • Solar thermal energy and photovoltaics
  • Heat pumps
  • Waste and biomass incineration (grate and fluidized bed combustion)


Energy Storage

  • Stationary battery storage
  • Thermal storage
  • Hydrogen storage



  • LV/MV/HV grids
  • Heating, cooling, and steam networks
  • Gas and utility supply for sites
  • Transformer stations and substations
  • eMobility and charging stations



  • Pumped storage power plants
  • Run-of-river hydroelectricity turbines
  • Pumping station


Any other questions?

Knut Mertens Geschäftsführer

Knut Mertens

Managing Director

INP Deutschland GmbH

Werkstraße 5

67354 Römerberg


Tel. +49 6232 6869-0
Jürgen Wilkening Prokurist - Business Development Manager

Jürgen Wilkening

PoA - Business Development Manager

INP Deutschland GmbH

Werkstrasse 5

67354 Römerberg


Tel. +49 6232 6869-0

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Industry Branch: Green Energy