Ralf Barbian
Project Manager Electrical Engineering
INP Deutschland GmbH
Werkstraße 5
67354 Römerberg
Tel. +49 6232 6869-0

INP International Projects: We offer you more than 35 years of experience in global power plant, large-scale installation construction and the power industry, combined with the reliability of an owner-managed company.
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INP is your reliable partner in the fields of power generation, transmission and distribution, as well as green energy and construction and infrastructure.
We stand for the values of owner-managed SMEs: reliability, responsibility, quality and adherence to deadlines.
Professionalism and reliability are what our customers appreciate. And this has been so for over 30 years.
Location: Albbruck, Germany
System/Technology: Grid connection 110-kV plant
Services: Basic-engineering and pre-engineering, Solution development / Feasibility studies
Industry Branch/Type of Plant: Power Generation
Client: Schluchseewerk AG
Activity period: 2022
The Rheinkraftwerk Albbruck Dogern (RADAG) is a run-of-river power plant on the Rhine, in the district of Waldshut on the border to Switzerland. The plant consists of 3x 40 MVA machine sets near Albbruck and another 32 MVA machine set at the Dogern weir 3 km away. All machines are connected to a busbar in the 110 kV RADAG plant and to the 110 kV grid via three outgoing 110 kV overhead lines.
In a preliminary project, Schluchseewerk AG investigated whether the grid connection should be changed from an overhead line connection to a cable connection in the future and what options are available for this. The background is a possible cabling of the outgoing overhead line and since the 110 kV RADAG plant is a special design with installation above the outlet of the machine sets, extensive measures on the power plant‘s own switchgear are necessary for this.
INP‘s services included supporting the customer in the conceptual design of a cable connection to the 110-kV grid connection. The services provided by INP were:
1) Creation of a concept for a cable connection of at least two outgoing 110-kV cables in the 110-kV existing plant. Based on the connection concept, determination of the rough costs and the power plant impairments during the conversion period.
2) Preparation of a concept for the replacement of the existing 110-kV switchgear with a 110-kV GIS system and cable connections to the machine transformers and outgoing power cables. Determination of the rough costs and power plant impairments during the conversion period to the GIS plant.
3) Preparation of a connection concept in order to optionally connect a part of the power plant output to the Swiss 110 kV grid via an additional 110 kV grid connection. Determination of the rough costs and power plant impairments during the conversion period.
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