Jürgen Wilkening
PoA - Business Development Manager
INP Deutschland GmbH
Werkstrasse 5
67354 Römerberg
Tel. +49 6232 6869-0

INP International Projects: We offer you more than 35 years of experience in global power plant, large-scale installation construction and the power industry, combined with the reliability of an owner-managed company.
INP offers you an interesting professional future with bright prospects. Now you can become part of our international team.
INP is your reliable partner in the fields of power generation, transmission and distribution, as well as green energy and construction and infrastructure.
We stand for the values of owner-managed SMEs: reliability, responsibility, quality and adherence to deadlines.
Professionalism and reliability are what our customers appreciate. And this has been so for over 30 years.
Location: Mannheim, Germany
System/Technology: Regenerative heat generation
Services: Pre-project planning and tendering, Basic-engineering and pre-engineering
Industry Branch/Type of Plant: Green Energy
Client: MVV Energie AG / Grosskraftwerk Mannheim AG
MVV Energie AG (MVV) runs one of the largest district heating grids in Germany in the Rhine-Neckar region with around 160,000 connected households. Grosskraftwerk Mannheim Aktiengesellschaft (GKM) has been operating one of Europe‘s most efficient hard coal-fired power plants in Mannheim for 100 years and is currently the largest source of thermal energy supplying MVV‘s district heating grid.
With the German government‘s decision to end the generation of electricity and thermal energy from coal in Germany, alternatives are currently being sought to supply heating energy to large metropolitan areas. MVV and GKM recognize the use of electrically powered large-scale heat pump systems as a key component in decarbonizing district heating generation in the Rhine/Neckar region.
As part of the “Real-Labore der Energiewende“ (Real-world laboratories of the energy turnaround - a German initiative of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection), MVV and GKM have implemented an initial river heat pump project (WPA 1) with a thermal output of around 20 MW. MVV and GKM are planning to build and operate a second river heat pump plant (WPA2) with a heating capacity of approx. 150 MWth at the Mannheim-Neckarau site. Rhine water is to be taken from the river as the heat source for the heat pump system via GKM‘s existing cooling water infrastructure.
Based on the technical data of possible suppliers of large heat pumps, the technology independent preliminary planning and the preparation of the tender documents were carried out.
General planning (mechanical and process engineering, civil, electrical and control technology) as extended preliminary planning
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